Guild Member
Joined: 29 March 2005 Location: United States Posts: 948
Tonight, Kael'thas Sunstrider was defeated. Tempest Keep is now cleared. Great job Guildies!
Black Temple and Mt. Hyjal, prepare for the Squirrel Mafia!
Grats Loot to:
Midgehh - Destroyer Chestguard (Full Set, Congrats!)
Validas - Cataclysm Chestplate
Tmyd - The Nexus Key
Glacial - Twinblade of the Phoenix
Nuggels - Verdant Sphere
Hamilley - Nether Vortex x2
PS: I apologize for no loot showed in the picture.
Edited by Majeek on 18 July 2007 at 11:43pm
__________________ "The happy phrasing of a compliment is one of the rarest of human gifts, and the happy delivery of it another."
- Mark Twain's Autobiography